Solo female travel advice = happiness.

I usually travel alone. There are hundreds of reasons to do so, many of which I mention in these posts. But what it comes down to is: Either learn to get along in strange places without your friends, or stay home!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Backscatter machines at airports

After reading this story, I have to stay I will stick with my decision to have an inconvenient and time-consuming pat-down every single time I go through security at the airport.  Especially as a female, I'd rather not get zapped with radiation when I don't have to.  I realize that being in an airplane has plenty of negative health benefits, but why add to them?  Can anyone justify going through these machines?

Quoted from a CNN comment: The "naked" issue is a red herring.
This is about radiation and cancer, because the backscatter machines can cause cancer.
The millimeter wave scanners aren't studied either and what little is known shows they rip the DNA, too.  Neither of these are good for humans. 

No thanks.