Solo female travel advice = happiness.

I usually travel alone. There are hundreds of reasons to do so, many of which I mention in these posts. But what it comes down to is: Either learn to get along in strange places without your friends, or stay home!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Break up and Pack: Australia and New Zealand adventure part 1

The scene:
Boy and girl break up right before Christmas on a snowy Boston evening.
Generally, pretty crap.
Tickets in hand:
Sydney and Christchurch, passing through Dallas for Christmas with family.
Current motto: 
No worries, mate!

When life kicks you down, buy a plane ticket. Seriously. This is the second time that my post-serious-relationship rebound has been in the form of leaving the country, and it is the most effective therapy money can buy (well, that and some really nice tea). Instead of focusing on what went wrong, you can center yourself, expand your horizons, and hang out with people who don't even know your ex's name.

Life is more than who you date. Life is more than who you are.